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Rental Cleaning & Maintenance Services

Learn more about our Cleaning & Maintenance services for rental properties, from who cleans and when to how often linens are replenished and more. Contact our office with additional questions or concerns.

A scuff on the wall from a suitcase is normal wear and tear whereas a hole would be damage. A blood stain on a spread is normal wear and tear while washing a white spread with a red shirt (staining the spread pink) would be damaged.

Your rental home is going to get far more use than your personal residence. For example, if you rent for 30 weeks, or 210 nights to 8 guests, that is 1,680 times people are sleeping in your beds, taking showers and using towels, cooking and enjoying your property. You should expect to see us replace your bed linens, towels, pillows, some dishes, and cookware.

We suggest you budget in one to two weeks’ worth of income annually to replenish and keep the property in great condition. Furnishings and mattresses typically show wear and need replacement in 5-7 year rotations. Your walls will need touch up paint annually and a full repaint approximately every 5 years. These are all averages if you have a home that accommodates more guests or is rented more frequently, naturally, you will have more repairs and upkeep.

Inventory: We require a set number of items in each unit. For example, a home sleeping 8 should have 8-10 dishes. Time constraints prevent us from counting dishes after each guest but twice each year we do an inventory update and replenish any items that may have gone missing. On occasion, we do find that guests will break, accidentally damage (and hide from us) or flat out take small items from the property. Never have we had anything other than a small item: corkscrew, pillow, hand towel, etc go missing.

Gone are the days of $500.00 security deposits which often left homeowners open to exposure on large damages. Our guests prefer and our owners are far more secure with a damage waiver insurance policy. Guests no longer have to place an additional $500.00 on their booking, instead, they pay a policy fee and the homeowner is covered for unintentional damages.

Your staff appointed Property Care Specialist will be responsible to clean and review your property every time a guest departs. They will photograph any damages, replace the damaged item and place the policy claim. Our owners don’t have to do anything we handle the entire process.

As a second layer of protection, you will be appointed a staff Property Manager who will review the Property Care Specialists work. Property Owners will immediately notice the difference this double layer of inspections from each guest and how this translates into an exceptionally maintained home.

The cleanliness of your property is one of our main objectives. Subcontracted cleaning services make it hard to control standards. We have an in-house cleaning staff, they work for us and are on our payroll. So, we will always know who is in your home and they are accountable to us for our standards and cleaning checklists.

We carry a one million dollar general liability policy and run background checks on all employees. We find having our own staff they are far more accountable than when cleaning is subcontracted out, so rest assured your home is in good hands!

We stock hotel grade sheets, towels, bed bug covers and more. As our cleaners see any stains or signs of wear, they will replace those items and bill your owner account. It is not uncommon to see a few towels replaced after each guest as small blood or makeup stains cannot be removed.

You can also expect to see sheets and quilts replaced annually to keep up our high standards. The more your property is used the more linens you will see replaced. This is normal wear and tear and unavoiadable to ensure qulaity.

We will closely monitor all storm activity. As a storm approaches we will have staff at your property to bring in all patio furniture and secure trash cans. Installing storm shutters is best done by a licensed contractor and if there is a mandatory evacuation you will instruct your contractor to close your property. As time permits we will inspect his work for you. After the storm, we will inspect and report any damages and return items to the yard for you.

Depending on the time involved in this process you may get an invoice for the labor for these services typically. We are not contractors or insurance adjusters so after a major weather event expect to hire them to inspect for damages.

If it is a minor repair we try to take care of that for you at no charge during the cleaning. Other minor jobs are billed by the hour. Anything we cannot handle we will hire a licensed contractor to take care of for you. For example, electrical and appliance repairs we sub out. The vendor bills us and we pay them from your proceeds.

  • Some owners find it more convenient for us to pay their HOA fees and utility bills, the accounting fee for that service is 10% of the bill.
  • Additional services to assist in contractor service for upgrades are billed at 10% of the charges.

Our goal is not to nickel and dime our owners. In fact, we will change light bulbs and AC filters (that don’t require a ladder) for FREE if they are left in the home and easily accessible.


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